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Complaint and Advice
8th Plastasia-2025 Exhibition
Date: 09/05/2025 -  12/05/2025  (in 114 days)
Venue: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre
Cycle: Biannual
Location:  India
Location Time: (UTC +5:30)
Fair Organizer
Triune Exhibitors Pvt Ltd.
+91-80 43307474 / +91 80 22352770 - 71
+91 80 22352772
#25, 3rd Floor, 8th Main Road, Vasanthnagar, Bangalore - 560 052. INDIA
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The 8th edition of PLASTASIA-2025 will be an unparalleled platform for exhibitors to showcase their latest innovations, technologies and machineries driving the manufacturing of plastics, raw materials, and petrochemicals with participation from various corners of the globe. Attendees will have the opportunity to witness the entire plastics industry under one roof as PLASTASIA-2025 offers an ideal platform to explore and acknowledge the most recent developments. Moreover, the event will draw key industry players and decision-makers from both corporate and public sectors, fostering an environment conducive to forging valuable business tie-ups and contacts
Product Groups
Machinery & Automation : Blow Moulding Machines Extruders & Extrusion lines Injection Moulding Machines Vaccum & Thermoforming Machines Rotating Moulding Machines Packaging Machines 3D Printing Machines Preprocessing and Recycling Machines Post Processing / Converting Machines Reactive or Reinforced Resins Machines Printing & Finishing Machines Recycling Machines Bag & Sack Making Equipments Measurement & Testing Equipment Rubber Processing Equipment Parts & Components Plastics Welding Equipment Auxiliary & Testing Equipment Mould & Dies: Mould Designers Mould Creators Emerging Technology: Material Formulating / Compounding 3d Printing ERP Software Providers ecom platforms Packaging & Finished Goods: Semi-Finished Products Plastics Tooling & Engineering Products Bio-Plastics & Degradable Plastics White label manufacturers

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