Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 21/01/2025 -  24/01/2025  (Onging)
Venue: Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 14, Moscow
Cycle: Annually
Location:  Russia
Location Time: (UTC +3:00)
Fair Organizer
Messe Düsseldorf Moskau
+7(4)95 2597729
+7(4)95 2302505
Krasnopresnenskaja nab. 14/2 123100 Moscow, Russian Federation
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
RUPLASTICA is the largest and most recognized event in the professional sector, with great potential in finding new partners, customers, suppliers and investors, while also giving you unique tools to gain up-to-date information on the current status and prospects Developments in the polymer industry, trends in consumer goods production and materials, new technologies, equipment, goods and services. In addition to tradition, the show takes place in the month of March, the beginning of the intense new business season, and gathers on site the largest concentration of professional visual companies. The RUPLASTICA exhibition lasts for 4 days and is a continuous communication, business negotiation and experience exchange. Entrust the development of your business and the strengthening of your position to RUPLASTICA 2025!
Product Groups
Machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber industries Machinery and equipment for waste management and plastics recycling Raw materials and auxiliaries Plastics and rubber products Services for the plastics and rubber industries Аdditive manufacturing

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