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Home > Public Sourcing > plastic scrap washing and recycling lines
Date Posted: 2025-01-09

plastic scrap washing and recycling lines

Buyer: Mr Nabil Hajjai
Country / Region: Kuwait
Status: Post Buying Request
Detailed Requirement:
To meet our requirements for plastic scrap washing lines, here are two solutions tailored to our needs:

Line 1: Washing Line for Dirty Flakes (Post-Consumer)

This line is designed for pre-crushed, dirty PE and PP flakes, with the goal of producing clean, dry flakes ready for extrusion.

Key Features:

Pre-Wash Section: Removes large debris and loose contaminants.

Hot Washing Tank: Uses detergent and heated water to remove oils, grease, and adhesives.

Friction Washer: Cleans the flakes with high-speed agitation.

Rinsing Tank: Ensures all detergent and dirt are washed off.

Centrifugal Dryer: Removes water to leave the flakes dry.

Dust Removal Unit: Ensures the final flakes are free from residual fines.

Recommended Capacity: 500–1000 kg/hour or customizable as per our production 


Line 2: Washing Line for Rigid Scrap (Primary Form)

This line includes size reduction and washing capabilities, ideal for processing rigid PE and PP scrap directly.

Key Features:

Feeding Conveyor: Automatically feeds rigid scrap into the line, magnetic metal detector if available for conveyor

Crusher/Grinder: Reduces rigid scrap to smaller flakes for washing.

Pre-Wash Tank: Removes initial heavy contaminants.

Hot Washing Tank: Uses detergent and heat to clean stubborn contaminants.

Mechanical Dryer: Removes excess water.

Bagging Unit: Packs the dry flakes for downstream processes.

Recommended Capacity: 500–1000 kg/hour or customizable.


Additional Notes:

1. Material Compatibility: Both lines should support PE and PP, ensuring effective cleaning for rigid plastics and flakes (post consumer)

2. Customization: Ensure the supplier can customize the lines based on contamination levels and capacity needs.

3. Energy Efficiency: Opt for lines with efficient motors and water recycling systems to reduce operational costs.

4. After-Sales Support: Ensure the manufacturer offers installation, training, and spare parts
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Mr Nabil Hajjai

Country/Region : Kuwait

Company Name : **********

E-mail : **********  Confirmed

Mobile : **********


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