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Date Posted:2023-05-04

Blow moulding machine

Buyer: Mr Noah Samuel Kanyonganise
Country / Region: South Africa
6 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Please send me a quotation for this product Big Extrusion Hollow Blow Molding Machine for Chemical Barrel, thanks! Could you send me products catalogs with more details?
Categories:Blow Molding Machine
Date Posted:2023-04-30

XPS Foam Production Line

Buyer: Mr EviliaN-O 
Country / Region: Egypt
3 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Dear Sir/Madam This is Mohamed representing Ravan Company,  I'd like to inform you that Our company is interested to purchasing XPS Foam Production Line XPS Foam Roll Making Production Line XPS Food Tray Making Machine You can contact me directly via :- Wechat-ID and Whatsapp
Categories:Foam Machinery
Country / Region: Saudi Arabia
11 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Can you please give me some information regarding plastic recycle machine? & plastic crushing machines and also polythene bags making machine?
Categories:Packing Machine,Recycling/Granulator
Buyer: Mr Ferry Handjojo
Country / Region: Indonesia
2 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 390110) We would like to offer: prime grade polyethylene. Consist of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). In LLDPE, available film and injection grade. While in HDPE available: film (HMW/ High Molecular Weight), blow molding (HMW), injection and monofilament grade. Widely use for making: t-shirt bag, poly bag, trash bag, jerry can, housewares, tarpaulin, etc.. Form: granule. Brand: Asrene®. Packaging: nett. 25kg in heavy-duty plastic bag. Produced under ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18000 certified manufacturer. Polypropylene (homo and copolymer) in granule form also available. Product of Indonesia. For any interested parties, pls kindly contact for further details. Thank you.
Date Posted:2023-04-27

Blow moulding machine

Buyer: Mr Abhaysaxena
Country / Region: India
6 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I am looking for blow moulding machine to make 200L HDPE tanks. If you can supply, please send me quotation.
Categories:Blow Molding Machine
Date Posted:2023-04-24

EVA sheet making machine

Buyer: Mr AnujChokhani
Country / Region: India
7 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now We are looking for EVA sheet making machine. The sheet width 1320mm and 1600 mm, thickness 2-3mm. If you can supply, please contact with me.
Categories:Sheet/Profile Machinery
Date Posted:2023-04-24

Plastic recycling machine

Buyer: Mr 1
Country / Region: Sierra Leone
6 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I want to start plastic recycling business. So amlooking for small plastic crusher, small pressingmachine. and small injector machine and moldersfor pavement tile, plastic tile and plastic roofingtiles
Date Posted:2023-04-24

PE film blow moulding machine

Buyer: Mr Robert
Country / Region: Swaziland
4 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now We are looking for PE film blow moulding machine. If you can supply, please contact with me through email.
Categories:Film Machinery
Date Posted:2023-04-21

Plastic granulator

Buyer: Mr Badu Kofi Emmanuel
Country / Region: Ghana
9 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I am looking for plastic granulator for plastic bags as the below images shown. If you can supply, please send me quotation and more details of this machine.
Date Posted:2023-04-20

Plastic clander

Buyer: Mr Shubham Kochar
Country / Region: India
4 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I am looking for Plastic clander. If you can supply, please contact with me.
Categories:Sheet/Profile Machinery
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