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Complaint and Advice
Buyer: Mr Mohammad
Country / Region: Egypt
2 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Dear Sir/Ms, I want to make a mould for (injection plastic) spool production. Dimensions are as follows: Height: 250mm, Diameter on outer sides (flanges)=335mm, Inner diameter 115mm. Please, reply to my message at your earliest convenience. Kindly, keep in mind that I look for reasonable/competitive quotations (price). I look forward to receiving from you. Regards, Mohammad
Categories:Injection Mould
Buyer: Mr Mr Anwar Farhad
Country / Region: Bangladesh
1 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Dear Sir Pls offer for cling film food grade shrink film.Best Regards
Categories:Film Machinery
Date Posted:2024-03-25

The robot and CNC

Buyer: Mr Fabio Minelli
Country / Region: Brazil
3 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Hi im from Brazil im interested in Company make mould Tolling/ Raw Material/ Machines for Make moldes CNC and others !!!
Categories:Injection Machine
Buyer: Mr Kukuh
Country / Region: Indonesia
4 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now What I mean is chopped plastic drink bottles
Buyer: Mr Individual User
Country / Region: Thailand
3 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I want to buy molding machine
Categories:Blow Molding Machine,Injection Machine
Date Posted:2024-03-21


Buyer: Mr Sir/Madam
Country / Region: Russia
5 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now We need an extruder, productivity 400 kg/hour + - HDPE Нужен экструдер, производительность 400 кг\час +- ПНД
Categories:Extruder & Screw
Date Posted:2024-03-21

Corrugated Sheet Making Machine

Buyer: Mr Alfredo Carlos
Country / Region: Argentina
4 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I am looking for Acer embossed plates 1 inch wide from gauge 27 to 24. Busco para Acer chapas analadas de 1 de ancho de calibre 27 a 24
Categories:Sheet/Profile Machinery
Buyer: Mr Avinash Kumar
Country / Region: India
3 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Hi, we are looking for a reliable supplier, please let me know more about your company, thanks! you can connect me on what's app no. is +91-*********
Categories:Extruder & Screw
Date Posted:2024-03-18

Plastic bag making machine

Buyer: Mr Mohamed Almhmodi
Country / Region: Libya
1 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Am looking for a medium or small size one as beginning
Categories:Packing Machine
Buyer: Mr Tushar Maheshwari
Country / Region: India
4 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Hello! I am looking for a Machine to Manufacture Plastic Pallets. I am from India. The Pallet weight would defer from 8-18 Kgs aand the size from 1200 x 800, 1200 x 1000, 1200 x 1200, 1300 x 1100 etc. Kindly suggest the suitable machine for this application.
Categories:Injection Machine
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